We boast an extensive, successful experience in the design and manufacturing of robotic plants. We support our customers as True Business Partner, meeting all kind of specific needs by creating tailor-made solutions.
We are able to design and manufacture machines equipped with tailor-made solutions complete with “CE” marking, ready for use and selling with a “turnkey” formula that relieves you of any task.
Entrusting the development of your products to Suprema allows your in-house Technical Office resources to focus on production, so as to better meet the needs of your regular customers.
Thanks to our expertise in a wide range of manufacturing industries we can control, develop and manage effectively and completely each phase of the project:
• Feasibility studies
• Pre-analysis and concept design
• Simulation and calculation
• Product Data Management
• Project Management
• Product Industrialization
• Quick Prototyping
• Mechanical equipment
• Small-series manufacturing
We support technical departments of those companies which operate in the machine tool industry. We make our expertise available in the following fields:
• Design of carpentry and welded compounds in general
• Design of high-performance kinematic mechanisms
• Mechanical design and sizing of machine parts meant for both hydraulic and pneumatic plants.

Manuelo Consolati
"In June 1988 I was immediately contacted by Candy, who at the time had a production site in Cortenuova (BG) for the quality control of the evaporators of No Frost refrigerators (Innovative Product at the time). After about 6 months I am contacted by Cisart di Chiari (BS) and after a course for the use of the Autocad drawing program I start to design and design systems of anodic oxidation for the alum. After a couple of years they contact me for the debriefing of practices, expropriations and permits for the laying of pipelines for methroduced to Ghezzi Ugo di Adro (BS). I then return to be a designer at Pulimetal in Provaglio d'Iseo (BS) where I am then entrusted with the management of the technical office. I acquire in those 17 years the organizational technical skills that I now fully use in my company that in full collaboration with the Partner/friend Nicola Ferrari we carry on since 2012."

Nicola Ferrari
"The first work experiences date back to the summer periods during the years of attending the State Industrial Technical Institute (ITIS Benedetto Castelli BS) where I have carried out various tasks in various companies including mechanical workers and quality control. After graduating from GV STAMPERIE (Monticelli Brusati BS) where my job is as a quality control officer. I strengthen the knowledge gained during previous uses and learn how to make the best use of measuring instruments. Subsequently I decide to change the sector and I am hired by SEROTTI & GHIDINI (Troubled BS) a booming company in the entertainment sector. My job is to control the production process, control parts quality, chemical analysis of the incoming material, manage the mold warehouse and related maintenance and design of small mechanical components. During the two years of work the company obtained ISO 9001 certification and on that occasion I was an integral part of the staff training project, also creating the necessary documents. The next work experience was at PULIMETAL CITTADINI (Test of Iseo) as a mechanical designer of plants for grinding and cleaning metals. In January 2012, THE SRL was formed, of which I am a partner with my friend and former colleague Manuelo."